Dhruva Sagar

My perspective on Tech & Software Craftsmanship


Location # I live in Bangalore, India What do I do ? # I am a Software Craftsman who aspires to inspire and loves hacking with the latest …

How to Speak

Collection of my notes from the lecture titled ‘How to Speak’ by Patrick Winston

Generic Callbacks in Rust

In a recent project, we developed an ingestion pipeline in Rust. We wanted to execute asynchronous tasks in response to messages received …

DIY remote controlled pan & tilt CCTV using Raspberry Pi

RPi CCTV in Action : A simple web interface to control the RPi CCTV : What you need to build this (hardware) : Raspberry Pi(1) (1)Preferably …

SSH Config Trick

Update2 : As I have been informed now, there has recently been support added for including external files in the ssh config. Refer …

Text Editor Choice & Peer Pressure

I am a VIM user and have been for quite a long time(1) (1)~7 years . I am both a vim plugin author and also like to believe I have helped a …

Template with Context using ERB

Recently, I was required to build a template rendering component that should render within a dynamic context, i.e. it would have methods / …

Slack old school style

Slack has gained a lot of popularity in recent times as a tool for inter-team communication and for the right reasons. It offers a lot of …

WebRTC Broadcast

WebRTC is fun! I recently gave a quick session on WebRTC at Bangalore Ruby User Group (BRUG). Following are the slides of my presentation. …

Pristine – ZSH Theme

A while back I posted about Amuse my prompt theme for ZSH targeting oh-my-zsh. Since this was a much appreciated theme, I would like to …

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