Google open sources it’s machine learning system

I am a huge proponent of open source technologies and having worked predominantly in various web technologies in the course of my career, I mostly work exclusively with open source stacks.

In the recent past I have been very keen to try and wrap my head around Artificial Intelligence and more specifically Machine Learning, although I am still barely even scratching the surface of the nitty-gritty’s of the field, especially the mathematical underpinnings, this is still a huge deal!

Google open sourced it’s second generation machine learning system TensorFlow!

It is a production ready library which has support for running numerical computations using data flow graphs (1)Data Flow graphs as explained here represent mathematical computations described using directed graphs where each node corresponds to a certain numerical computation whereas the edges connecting the nodes represent the data communicated between them on multiple CPUs, GPUs or mobile devices!

The documentation looks really impressive, with lots of examples. I am really keen on trying something out with this in the near future.

Considering that this is open source, I strongly believe this will give rise to a lot of innovative & creative applications and from the looks of it bring down the entry barrier drastically of solving real-life problems where this can be applied and made use of to make intelligent systems!

The fact that it also provides portability to work on mobile devices sounds like a game changer that should definitely drive a lot of adoption within the machine learning community & we should see a lot of interesting applications leveraging mobile devices which are packed with loads of sensors collecting all kinds of data from our day to day life!

Source: TensorFlow